manual therapies
Isabelle Hofmänner
"Take care of your body. It’s the only place you have to live."– Jim Rohn
In an instant, my life changed fundamentally. After a sports accident, I suddenly found myself in a wheelchair and reliant on others for help, even with the simplest tasks. It showed me that one truly appreciates health only when it is absent—before that, it seems taken for granted. This experience made me acutely aware of how valuable health is and motivated me to help others on their journey to greater well-being and quality of life.
Certified Professional Massage Therapist, BodyFeet Rapperswil
Foot Reflexology Therapist, BodyFeet Rapperswil
Visual/Palpatory Assessment & Scar Treatment
Treatment of various medical conditions
Muscles & skeleton and their connection to foot reflex zones
Interactions between the lymphatic system and foot reflex zones
Medical Foundations (MGL), 161 hours, BodyFeet Rapperswil
Master's in Business Administration, University of Geneva
Continuing Education in Manual Lymph Drainage Therapy, NhK Zurich
(until February 2025)
Relevant professional Experience
Managing Director/Owner, Gesundheitspraxis Hofmänner, Sargans
Certified Professional Massage Therapist at Ott. & John. Honegger AG, Wald
Classic Massage
Sports Massage
Manual Lymph Drainage
Foot Reflexology
Internship focused on edema treatment at Feldberg Clinic (Germany) under Dr. Asdonk
Manual Lymph Drainage
Bandaging & Compression
Treatments with the Lymphomat and Ultrasound
Nutritional Education and Decongestive Movement Therapy
Pre-information: To continue providing you with qualified and evidence-based treatment in the field of lymphology, my practice will be closed from May 12 to June 8, 2025. During this time, I will be treating lymphatic and lipedema patients at the renowned Feldberg Clinic as part of a four-week professional training.